London Wiki
London Wiki

Sir Frederick Handley Page, CBE, FRAeS (15 November 1885 – 21 April 1962) was an English industrialist who was a pioneer in the aircraft industry and known as the father of the heavy bomber.

His company Handley Page Limited was best known for its large aircraft such as the Handley Page 0/400 and Halifax bombers and the H.P.42 airliner. The latter was the flagship of the Imperial Airways fleet between the wars and remarkable at the time for having been involved in no passenger deaths.

He is also known for his invention, with Gustav Lachmann, of the leading edge slot to improve the stall characteristics of aircraft wings. Page was the uncle of the World War II flying ace Geoffrey Page.

Lord Lieutenant of Middlesex 8 August 1956 – 6 January 1961

More information on the Wikipedia page [1], with more information here and here
